Saturday, October 17, 2009

cheerio- crispy delight

One day I was sitting, bugging my mom about what I could make. She said "I don't know what do you want to make?"

" I want to make rice crispy treats! But we don't have the cereal." I replied. She walked out of the kitchen, and a few seconds later I saw her return with CHEERIOS! She said they would work instead of rice crispies, so I got out marshmellows ,butter,and chocolate chips.


1 bag of marshmellows

1/2c butter

1c chocolate chips

6-8c of cheerois ( any type)

In a large pan melt the butter till disolved, then add the marshmellows. While the marshmellows are melting, melt the choclate chips in microwave for about 30 seconds, then stir your chocolate til it's melted. Stir the marshmellows and then pour the cheerios in a large bowl , pouring the marshmellows on top.
Put cheerio-crispys in a pan and drizzle chocolate on top. You have a Cheerio-crispy delight!

This is a very simple recipe, but yummy! :) Now go try it yourself. Thanks!
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